General rules

Types of Student Visa

✓ As a short term student who is studying a determined course with an institution that is enrolled in the CPNJ (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas). This includes language (that is Português Carioca VISA type), and technical courses and study at all levels (primary, secondary, tertiary) (Item IV of the Article 13 of Legislation n. 6.815/80 – see #1)

✓ At graduate level, in an institution duly recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture – MEC (Article 7 of the RN n. 116/2015/CNIg – see #2)

✓ At post graduate level, in an institution duly recognised by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture – MEC (Article 7 of the RN n. 116/2015/CNIg – see #3)

NOTE: Only Universities can be registered at MEC. Free courses such as language courses must have CNPJ instead. In this case, the CNPJ works as MEC.

The requirements for a Student Visa

✓ A valid travel document;

✓ Proof of financial capability;

✓ Proof of active enrollment at the Brazilian educational institution(including the receipt showing full payment of the course);

✓ Applicants over 18 years of age must present a recent (i.e. less than 90 days old) non criminal record;

✓ Birth certificate containing parents’ full names (full version or long form).

Processing time

It is up to each Consulate, but it usually takes between 2 to 10 work days.

Note: Improperly completed Brazil visa application forms may delay the processing of your visa.

Length of stay in Brazil

✓Visas are usually good for multiple entries;

✓ The Brazilian Government decides at its own discretion the type of visa to be granted;

✓ The Consulate may request additional information or documentation, as deemed necessary;

✓ Currently, there are no mandatory vaccines required to visit Brazil. It is recommended to take a yellow fever shot prior to entering Brazil under certain circumstances.

✓  Incomplete applications will be returned at the expense of the applicant. Be sure to provide all the documentation requested.

✓  Processing fees and handling fees are not refundable. The Consulate may at any time request further information or additional documents deemed necessary. General conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

✓ Please note that a visa is not an applicant’s right and may be denied;

✓  It does not guarantee the right of entry or stay in Brazil and can be cancelled at the discretion of the Brazilian immigration authorities.

✓Extensions (once in Brazil only) can be given, at the discretion of the Brazilian immigration authorities upon confirmation from the Brazilian institution that the course continues, (in some cases the student can apply a Visa at a different school from the one he/she had applied before), that the student’s attendance is regular, and that he/she has successfully passed the examination to the course next level (if applicable), with the relevant subjects studied and its grades;

✓ Those intending to extend their stay should apply for this extension at the Brazilian Federal Police, in the capital of the state where they may be temporarily residing, at least a month prior to the expiration of the current visa. Please note that extensions are not valid for multiple entries (On a reciprocity basis).

Procedures for requesting a Student Visa at Português Carioca

✓ The student must sign up for any of our Portuguese courses following the rules of both the school and the Brazilian Consulate;

✓  The student must pay for the course(s) he/she will take at our school in advance in order to receive the receipt Nota Fiscal Carioca as part of the documentation required by the Brazilian Consulate;

✓ The school will issue an Invitation Letter confirming the student’s enrollment, payment, as well as the start and end dates of the course.


Please, click the logo Visa Brazil Services in order to obtain specific information regarding the rules for applying for a Visa in your country.

Foreign citizens travelling to Brazil to attend study courses – including theological and technical studies – must have a student visa.

This information has to be clearly confirmed in the required letter from the Brazilian school, as well as that the course, be it for a month, or a year, is fully paid. Furthermore, the student must show the payment receipt.

Within 30 days of arrival in Brazil, bearers of this type of visa must register with the Brazilian immigration authorities at the Federal Police and submit a copy of the visa application form, which will have been stamped and returned to them by the Brazilian Consulate.

  •  It’s mandatory that students who wish to study in Brazil  longer than 3 (three) months apply for the Student Visa;
  • It’s the student’s responsibility to apply for the Visa before coming to Brazil. Our school canprovide the student with all necessary documents for him\her to obtain the Visa in a fast and safe way.
  • Each Consulate has its own rules for issuing the Visa (the minimum of hours required for you to apply for a Student Visa);
  • Students under 18 must have authorization to travel before they enter Brazil, which has to be done in their country as well as it’s the student’s responsibility to apply for The Visa before coming to Brazil;
  • The Visa can last up to one year and can also be extendable;
  • Students with Visa at our school have special treatment as well as special prices;
  • We work with a Visa services Advisor who can help the student through the process for obtaining not only the Student Visa but also other types of Visa according to the Brazilian Consulates policies;
  • Students are NOT allowed to work;
  • If you have any questions regarding VISA, write to our advisor: