
Carioquinha Kids is a course for children from ages 6 through 11. Our main focus is teaching children to speak and communicate in Portuguese – which is our philosophy for all of our courses. Children learn much faster than adults because they can be easily engaged in activities directed by verbal cues. Children learn quickly, just by listening and doing, and that’s exactly what we do!

Though our focus is on speaking, when it comes to children’s classes we have an agreement with their parents. If the parents want their child to learn to write as well, we will accommodate writing into that child’s program. Otherwise, children do not write during our classes unless the teacher asks them to do so.

Parents may choose a program of either 2 or 3 times a week for their child. Each class lasts 75 minutes and is divided as follows: First, a 15 minute review of the previous class. Then, a 45 minute period of new language learning activities: games, music, repetition, and storytelling. Finally, a 15 minute review of what the children learned in class that day.

Student Reviews

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